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Donate Today

your contribution is tax deductible and helps us serve the community


We are improving access for ALL of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing community

Our services are never a financial burden to the community we serve.

Open Hands Deaf Services serves in areas broader than traditional translation through American Sign Language interpreting. Yes, that is one of the many services we provide for a well under-served segment of the general population. All of the services we provide are vital to the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of those we serve and their families. At Open Hands Deaf Services it is our joy to serve where & when needed!

Why do we need financial support? Here are some of the things we do:
  • Interpret for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in traditional settings
  • Provide tutoring for CODAs (Child Of Deaf Adult)
    • Filling the learning gap that typically is found in a multicultural exchange
    • Filling the learning gap that is typically present in speech and language
    • Assisting Deaf parents understand the requirements and expectations of the school systems
  • Job placement assistance
    • Interview skills
    • Job seeking skills
  • Life skills training
    • Parenting skills
    • Basic financial understanding
    • Cooking skills
    • Nutrition skills
  • Advocacy
    • Supporting civil rights as guaranteed by the ADA law
  • Non-traditional communication situations
    • Times when communication is needed but does not fall under "typical" interpreting situations

We are an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) tax deductible charitable organization. That means that your financial support can be tax deductible to you as an individual or as a corporation. Your continual support is a critical need and is greatly appreciated!